Obiettivo 5. A che punto siamo
Le disuguaglianze di genere sono ancora profondamente radicate in ogni società. Le donne soffrono di mancanza di accesso a un lavoro dignitoso e devono affrontare la segregazione occupazionale e il divario salariale di genere. In molte situazioni viene loro negato l’accesso all’istruzione di base e all’assistenza sanitaria e sono vittime di violenza e discriminazione. Sono inoltre sottorappresentate nei processi decisionali politici ed economici.
L’obiettivo 5 dell’Agenda 2030 punta al superamento di queste disuguaglianze perché il superamento di questo divario è fondamentale per realizzare un mondo pacifico, prospero e sostenibile.
In questo dossier analizziamo alcuni aspetti della questione, sottolineando i (pochi) progressi fatti e le (molte) sfide che restano.
Dónde estamos con el Objetivo 5
Objetivo 5: Igualdad de Género
Poner fin a toda discriminación contra las mujeres y las niñas no es sólo un derecho humano básico, sino que es crucial para un futuro sostenible; está demostrado que empoderar a las mujeres y las niñas es bàsico para el desarrollo.
El Pnud ha dado prioridad a la igualdad de género. Se han dado grandes progresos en los últimos 20 años. Hay más niñas en la escuela en comparación con hace 15 años.
Aunque haya más mujeres que nunca en el mercado laboral, todavía hay grandes desigualdades. A las mujeres se les niegan sistemáticamente los mismos derechos laborales que los hombres. La violencia y la explotación sexuales, la división desigual del trabajo doméstico, y la discriminación en los cargos públicos siguen. El cambio climático, los conflictos y la migración siguen teniendo màs impacto en las mujeres y los niños.
Es vital dar a las mujeres la igualdad de derechos a tierra y propiedad, a la salud sexual y reproductiva, y acceso a Internet.
Hechos y nùmeros
– las mujeres ganan sólo 77 centavos por cada dólar que los hombres reciben por el mismo trabajo.
– el 35 por ciento de las mujeres han sufrido violencia física y/o sexual
-las mujeres representan sólo el 13 por ciento de los terratenientes agrícolas.
– casi 750 millones de mujeres y niñas se casaron antes de sus18 años.
– el 24 por ciento de los parlamentarios eran mujeres en noviembre de 2018. Eran el 11,3 por ciento en 1995.
Where are we with Goal 5
GOAL 5 – Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Gender inequalities are still deep-rooted in every society. Goal number 5 aims to overcome inequalities since the gender gap is a major obstacle to build a pacific, prosperous, and sustainable world.
Analysis n.1- Onu’report
According to “The World’s Women 2020: Trends and Statistics”, the ONU’s report from October 2020, less than 50% of working-age women have been in the labour market during the last 25 years: no country has indeed achieved gender equality, and violence against women and girls keeps overflowing globally. Although there has been progress, women are still underrepresented in the fields of science, technologies, engineering, mathematics, where they are also a minority.
Analysis n2. – Inequalities and Covid19
The pandemic has wiped out some progresses made in decades of work. Women’s effort was out of proportion effort of women with the one of men in the fight against Covid19 as sanitary workers and caregivers, on the other hand, though, the pandemic caused women a harder work situation since the majority of them work in precarious labour markets. Moreover, during the lockdown, home violence intensified considerably.
Focus 1 – Data
The data show how the world today must cope with various difficult situations related to women’s rights worldwide. Some rates demonstrate that the work accomplished so far is paying off, but still a lot has to be done.
Focus 2 – The goals of goal 5
The sub-goals want to end discrimination, violence, harmful practices (like child marriage and genital mutilation) against women and girls worldwide. They also aim to guarantee participation, opportunities of leadership, equal access to health care and to wealth distribution.
Who is doing that? Spotlight initiative
The global initiative “Spotlight” is created by the EU and the UN, and supported by many realities. It aims to shape a new, more respectful culture toward women by ending any form of violence, paying attention to domestic violence, sexual violence, feminicide, with various initiatives all around the world.
I precedenti dossier sull’Agenda 2030:
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